Road Metals is committed to meeting customer requiremnts and specifications 100% of the time. We will meet and exceed customer needs.

Maximum Dry Density Results


Our goal is to:

Manage all activities with concern for our local community and the environment while managing our quarrying operations in a way that will ensure there is no adverse impact on the environment.

To achieve this, we employ the following principles:

Planning and Design

Practices and Procedures

Staff and Community

Measure and Monitor


Road Metals Co Ltd is committed to abiding by relevant legislation and industry standards to ensure a healthy and safe working environment.

The Management and Employees of Road Metals Co Ltd will work closely together to ensure that all aspects of our operation are conducted in a healthy and safe manner and will include accurate reporting and recording of all health and safety matters.

The Employees of Road Metals Co Ltd will be pro-active in enforcing healthy and safe working practices to ensure that relevant legislation
and regulations are abided by.

Road Metals Co Ltd will consult with and encourage the full participation of all employees in all aspects of implementing and continuously improving our Health & Safety Performance. I expect everyone to accept the challenge of making Road Metals Co Ltd a healthy and safe place to work, for our Staff, Visitors and Contractors.

    Schedule a Visit

    Head Office

    Level 2, Building 12. 12 Hazeldean Rd, Hazeldean Business Park, PO Box 2341. Christchurch 8140 View Map

    (03) 339-9300

    Head Office

    Level 2, Building 12. 12 Hazeldean Rd, Hazeldean Business Park,
    PO Box 2341. Christchurch 8140 

    (03) 339-9300